I would just like to get back to the subject on hand!!! Sharing
bourbon with friends!
But, since you suggested I brush up on fair use I’ll share a little bit of
information about fair use and copyright of intellectual property. I don’t do
this to be a jerk, or to be combative, but only because I DO understand fair
use and copyright law---which states that factual data is not copyrightable, does
not fall under fair use guidelines, and does not constitute intellectual
property---no one owns exclusive rights to factual data! A list of bourbon
varieties is no more copyrightable or protected by law than a list of these 50 United
From Wikipedia:
A more recent notion, proposing to expand the scope of exclusive rights to
include databases, has been introduced by the EU in 1996. This is the idea of
protecting the information contained in a database against re-utilization and
extraction of substantial parts. This would be an additional right predicated
on a substantial investment that would exist alongside the copyright in the
database structure. This notion was opposed by the United States Supreme Court
in 1991 in the Feist Publications, Inc., v. Rural Telephone Service Co.
finding, which said that exclusive rights cannot cover the factual elements of
any copyrighted work, that copyright does not derive from the effort expended
in the production of the work, and that in the case of a collection of information,
only the originality that may be found in the selection and arrangement of the
information is governed by copyright. This case holds that the purpose of
exclusive rights policy is to provide information to the public, and this
consideration takes priority over concerns such as investment.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_property - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_property
With that, lets all get back to the business at hand and all
share a glass of Bourbon! I lift my glass to you TN for the great job that you’ve
done at StraightBourbon.com.
If it will make peace between us I am more than willing to
reach out my hand in friendship and make amends.